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Monday, 6 March 2006
Desert Boots
Now Playing: warm and comfy
I had some left over yarn from my Bolero sweater, so I used the yarn to knit another pair of slippers. I wear slippers almost every day, so I needed another pair. These slippers are called Desert Boots. The pattern for the boots can be found at http://www.knitlist.com/97gift/desertboots.htm . The yarn that I used is Yarn Bee Icelandic Jewels, the color is dark citrine. I used two strands of yarn held together, so they are very warm, and comfy. The pattern is an easy pattern, just knit and purl. I have a button stash, because I love buttons, and found a button in my stash that matched my yarn perfectly.

Posted by knitting57039 at 3:41 AM

Monday, 6 March 2006 - 11:02 AM

Name: Penny
Home Page: http://pennyknits.blogspot.com/

Oh.. They look sooooooooooooooo Comfy!!!!

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