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Friday, 12 January 2007
Feather and Fan scarf
Mood:  cool
I knit this Feather and Fan scarf using Moonlight Mohair yarn. The color coral reef. I really like the color of this scarf. It didn't start out as a Feather and Fan scarf. I was knitting a different pattern, It was very wide and was more like a wrap. I would have had to buy more yarn to complete the wrap, so I frogged it and made this Feather and Fan scarf instead. I followed a dishcloth pattern for a Feather and Fan dishcloth, which will be on my needles this afternoon. I am going to stay in and knit all day because it is very, very cold out today.

Posted by knitting57039 at 8:41 AM
Updated: Friday, 12 January 2007 8:43 AM

Sunday, 14 January 2007 - 12:42 PM

Name: "Alison Hyde"
Home Page: http://spindyeknit.com/blog

Gorgeous, both.

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