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Sunday, 4 December 2005
2 Needle Knit Mittens for Kids
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: More mittens for my sweet Casey
My favorite person in the world to knit for is my Granddaughter Casey. I found a pattern for 2 needle mittens, for kids that I just love. The pattern can be found at http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/2-needlemitts.html . A really neat thing to do when you are knitting mittens. After they are finished. Brush the inside of the mitten to make them extra warm and fuzzy. I did that to this pair of mittens and it really worked. I know that my Granddaughter will just love these mittens.

Posted by knitting57039 at 5:30 AM

Monday, 12 December 2005 - 9:26 AM

Name: Penny

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VERY NICE!!!

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