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Tuesday, 3 January 2006

If God wanted us to bend over he'd put diamonds on the floor.
Joan Rivers

Posted by knitting57039 at 2:55 PM
Sunday, 1 January 2006

Happy New Year and may the year bring many lovely yarns and projects to all!

Posted by knitting57039 at 6:01 AM
Friday, 30 December 2005
If at first you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment.
--Harry F. Banks

Posted by knitting57039 at 11:37 AM
Thursday, 29 December 2005
Look at my boy
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: He is a very Spoiled boy
Isn't he so handsome? Now Elvis and his Mommy have matching sweaters. We will make a fine looking pair when we go for long walks together. I used my favorite Dog sweater pattern. The pattern is at http://doggoneknit.com/?page_id4 I really like this pattern because of the Velcro closure under the neck and under the tummy. It makes getting the sweater on and off very easy. I used Red Heart Bright and Lofty, the color Beach, and 1 strand of Alpaca the color Royal blue to make the sweater extra warm. It can get very cold in South Dakota in the winter.

Posted by knitting57039 at 11:22 AM
Updated: Thursday, 29 December 2005 11:27 AM
Wednesday, 28 December 2005
Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.
George Burns (1896 - 1996)

Posted by knitting57039 at 2:38 PM
My very first sweater for ME!
Mood:  happy
I have finally did it. I have knit a sweater. I have been knitting for about 2 years when I first started knitting, I wanted to learn to knit socks. I did learn to knit socks, and I love hand knit socks. Then I wanted to learn to knit a sweater, I am knitted many things before I achieved that goal. I have been searching for an easy pattern for about a year. I finally found one that I thought that I could knit with out to much trouble, and got busy. The pattern can be found at http://www.dailyknitter.com/kelly.html I did not use the recommended yarn because it has 20% wool in it , and I can not wear wool. To itchy for me. I chose Red Heart Bright and Lofty, the color Beach. Now I am knitting a matching sweater for my dog Elvis we should make a very handsome pair!

Posted by knitting57039 at 5:23 AM
Monday, 26 December 2005
Mood:  silly
"The good LORD will feed us poor folks, but we needs to do our own laundry!" - Grannie, The Beverly Hillbillies

Posted by knitting57039 at 1:47 PM
Sunday, 25 December 2005
The front of my sweater is done
Now I have to knit the back and sew it together. I started knitting about 2 years ago. I wanted to learn to knit socks. I did, and I just love hand knit socks. Although I don't have to many pairs of socks, because I keep knitting gifts for everyone else. But I enjoy knitting for others so much.
I should have enough yarn left over from my sweater to knit a sweater for my pup Elvis. Won't we be a handsome looking pair!

Posted by knitting57039 at 5:51 AM
Saturday, 24 December 2005
I am knitting my very 1st sweater for ME!!!!!!!!!
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: I could not wait to take a picture
I am so excited about knitting a real sweater, that I could not wait until it was finished to take a picture of it. I am using Red Heart Bright, and Lofty yarn. The color is called beach. I picked a very, very easy pattern. I hope that it fits when I am done with it.

Posted by knitting57039 at 7:31 AM
Friday, 23 December 2005
Grandma's Gloves
Now Playing: I love this glove pattern
The gloves can be made to have a regular cuff or a loner cuff. I made the gloves with the longer cuff. I used Re Heart yarn, the color Cherry Red. The pattern came from http://www.bevcountrycottage.com/knitgloves.html
I am going to put these gloves away. They will be a gift, but I haven't decided who to give them to yet.

Posted by knitting57039 at 8:46 AM

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